Friday, March 20, 2009

Food Allergies

It is estimated that nearly 60% of the American Population, including 25% of young children, suffer from food allergies. Symptoms of food allergies can affect every part of the body, producing uncomfortable symptoms to severe illnesses. Diseases and symptoms commonly associated with food allergies can include indigestion, canker sores, celiac disease, diarrhea, IBS, ear infections, bed-wetting, hyperactivity, asthma, acne, eczema, edema, migraines & fatigue. Most physicians agree that the simplest and most effective approach to treating food allergies is through avoidance of allergenic foods. Many experts also advocate rotation diets to identify specific food allergens. Because food allergies can compromise the integrity of the digestive system and exhaust the immune system, support of these two major systems is essential, as is the soothing of the mucosal linings and the removal of toxins. (Also see Hay Fever).


1 DGX with every meal
1-2 PRX 3x per day between meals
2 AMS as needed

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

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