Friday, January 25, 2008


Well the time of year for indulgences is officially over. No more left-overs, no more cocktail parties.... no more excuses. The fact is that many of us ate and drank our ways into trouble in the last 6 weeks and now we are feeling the pain.

I have often noticed that after the holiday season I suffer from a withdrawal from all things sweet. The only difference between me and many other people is that I can't hide from my nutritionist, I can't fool myself. I, as is the same for many of you, know too much about this to pretend. Yes, I am talking about Candidiasis. That nasty little overgrowth in the gut that has that obnoxious voice that begs for sugar. "Feed me, Feed me" .

Luckily I have some probiotics and my good friend CDX. This is a combination that I have used many times in the past and have heard numerous testimonials to it's effect. CDX is Theramedix's product specifically designed for over-growth of Candida. It contains Amylases and Cellulases to breakdown the cell wall of the candida called 'chitan', that impossible cocnut shell-like Polysaccaride. The best thing about CDX, also what makes it better than others is that it also contains proteases. Proteases are crucial to the process of cleansing Candida. Protease actually assists in breaking down and clearing out all of the toxins and bacteria that thrive inside of the cell wall of Candida. Protease will help you get past that 'flu-like' feeling that you can get when doing a cleanse whether it be Candida or any other detox.

Probiotics such as PBC that contain stable bacteria like Bascillus Subtillus and L. Paracasie also assist the gut in replenishing healthy gut flora. This is the key to preventing Candida and re-establishing good health.

Try this combination for two weeks and STAY AWAY FROM THE SUGAR. A pretty reasonable resolution, especially if you only need to stick to it for a couple of weeks, right?

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