Monday, March 10, 2008


Gluten/Casein Free, a diet that many of us have heard of but never really wanted to conform to. Many people have sensitivities and/or allergies to these proteins that are found in dairy and gluten products. Unfortunately these are probably two of the most common foods in the standard American diet and are very difficult to eliminate.

GCF is a formula from Theramedix that has a protease called DPPIV in it that is specific to gluten and casein. GCF also has our Amylase Therablend in it to assist in breaking down the carbohydrate portion of the food ingested.

Of course, we don't suggest that someone with celiac disease go on and eat a loaf of bread and take some GCF. What we do suggest is that anyone who has a sensitivity or allergy to these foods take GCF prophylactically when dining out to support the gut in case of any cross-contamination. There is also some hope that DPPIV, taken on an empty stomach over time may help the damaged villi to regenerate in some celiac cases but this is yet to be conclusive in preliminary studies.